Being a mom or a dad, and at the same time, managing a career
0331 44.60.00

A very wise colleague once told me that having a child makes you responsible, and I couldn't agree more. I see my job as a way to raise my child with healthy principles, and the commitment to my work is fundamental to my personal satisfaction.

Administrative Department Employee

We realize that being a parent and having a stressful, demanding job such as ours, where having fixed work hours is an utopia and where being able to organize each day is always a gamble, is quite hard.  

Nevertheless, in recent years we have begun discussing how to combine work with being a parent, a mother, a father.

We began by allowing flexible work hours so as to permit families with children to be able to take them to school.

We have agreements with participating third parties who offer us special discounts on items such as stationary and summer camps.

We have worked internally to define the parents' rights and faculties, as per the Italian law, clarify to every employes what are their rights. Vector has also extended the mandatory paternal rights and delivery assistance rights to non-biological, non-adoptive parents as well.

Our Diversity team is always ready to welcome projects and ideas for improvement. One of the next steps is to implement child support policies which extend all the way to age three.
The road is a long one, but much can be done to give our employees the chance to enjoy both their work and their family lives in harmony.  

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