0331 44.60.00

Do not judge wrong what you don't know, take the opportunity to understand!

Pablo Picasso

In 2015 we developed new company policies and began building awareness in Diversity Management to facilitate inclusion within our workforce and promote principles of acceptance and respect for diversity.

What guides us in our approach to diversity inclusion is the view of differences as a strength that we recognize as one of the engines of our growth, both as a business as well as individuals.

We believe that our company is both a reflection and a cross-section of the society in which we live, and that it is our obligation to invest in and create an atmosphere of integration and openness.

We have put several small changes into actions in order to improve overall employees well-being: we’ve increased benefits to our LGBT staff, including rights for non-biological parents.

We promoted workshops on stereotypes and prejudice on disability and cultural differences; we organized internal activities against gender violence.
We also joined Parks and Valore D, a network ofcompanies that aimed to promote female employment.

We like to think that the biggest accomplishments are reached one step at a time, and we are proud to have taken the first steps.

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